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2022 little Truckee Summit snow Report


Well-known member
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Dec 28, 2008
Never really thought about riding California, but it's looking pretty good out there. It's it a pretty big riding area out there?

Pretty big state. Just depends on what part/where you're talking about.

Track Man

Well-known member
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Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
Yes I live 9 miles from the parking lot. The homeowners in LTS leased land where we put it our trailer and car. The parking lot gets pretty busy on the weekends. The plan is make the parking lot at least twice as big soon. The government doesn’t do anything fast. My riding area consist of five different riding areas all in one That I can get to from my house. So yes I can cover many miles. We go up to 9143 feet at Mount Lola.


Cole Mizak
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Apr 30, 2018
Lake Tahoe
Yes I live 9 miles from the parking lot. The homeowners in LTS leased land where we put it our trailer and car. The parking lot gets pretty busy on the weekends. The plan is make the parking lot at least twice as big soon. The government doesn’t do anything fast. My riding area consist of five different riding areas all in one That I can get to from my house. So yes I can cover many miles. We go up to 9143 feet at Mount Lola.

Know of anyone else out there wanting to sell their property? Buddy of mine is renovating one he bought last year, would love to get something for myself.


Snowest's Axe Murderer
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Jul 8, 2001
NW Ohio
Must be a little different lifestyle.
Very quiet for sure! (too?)

Doo you have a trailer on skis that you use between points?

Hope to hit your area one day when there is more time.
That extra drive just adds up too quick for us when we are pinching days down to hours.

Some day ....

Track Man

Well-known member
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Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
No snow means no post. I haven’t been out riding for a month. Yeah it warmed up three days ago and has turned into spring riding conditions. Do you have to wait for it to get soft about noon. We still have plenty of snow as it pretty much froze up for four weeks. There’s still about 2 feet of snow at the trail head parking lot. The groomers been out so all the trails are roomed. I have a lot of people saying they’re going to wait for it to snow before they come back out. If it doesn’t snow their seasons over. I’ll take a little Spring throttle therapy. Beats sitting on the couch.


Well-known member
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May 7, 2003
Sparks, NV
Thanks for the update, Steve. Yup, Spring conditions are definitely here, but you might get a big dumper tonight(a whole 2 inches) according to the weather gurus. Hopefully things turn around and we get some action in March.

Track Man

Well-known member
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Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
Well we got 5 inches here at the house last night. That’s more than they said. First snow in six weeks. The wind blew hard so hopefully there’s some good snow on the north slopes. Will take it.914E5864-1506-46E5-9BC2-366271CAD159.jpeg


Well-known member
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May 7, 2003
Sparks, NV
4 of us rode LTS yesterday. Only a few rigs in the lot at 9:30 AM and maybe a few more when we got back after 3:00. 3-5 inches of fluff on all the old hardpack. Off-trail was interesting. Lots of sudden jolts and surprises. Not quite enough freshy to cover up the ruts, bumps, etc. The 07 was groomed and the trails we hit were OK. Perazzo area was OK. Open ridgetops were hard. Had to keep an eye on temp gauge all day while running scratchers. Hopefully, we get more coverage next week.

Ride safe, folks.

Track Man

Well-known member
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Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
We got 18 inches out of this last storm here at the house. We went up by White rock yesterday and found 2 feet plus of fresh powder. We had a great day. -14 here this morning. Yeah will keep the snow fresh.CA097AAC-8903-4083-9BA9-9F6B56D17582.jpeg


Well-known member
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May 7, 2003
Sparks, NV
Yo Steve, we did Perrazzo, Tom's, dropped the saddle down to the White Rock road, got to the lake and climbed up the south side to the Paradise ridge. The south side line was totally beat to s**t. Haven't seen it that bad in a long time. Scanned the westside of Lola. Looked pretty slim. Lots of rocks showing. Went back to Toms and rode the ridgetop and dropped down through the clearcut area, crossed the Perrazzo meadow and took the lower road back to the trucks. Snow coverage was good back in Toms and White Rock(like you said). Good day for a rip. ✌️z

Track Man

Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
We ended up getting 8 inches here at the house out of this this storm Friday Saturday. Went to the chili cook off yesterday wasn’t bad in the trees. Just hard underneath. With the 60° weather we had last week the South ridges all melted off. The creeks opened up a lot. I don’t see a miracle March in the forecast. Bummer wED85E524-FCEE-4588-ACBB-51134B831809.jpege need it.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
May 7, 2003
Sparks, NV
Yeah Steve, looks like we got our Miracle March back in December. I hope I'm wrong, but this season could be over. 60-70 degree weather coming up -- time to jump on the scooter and burn up some $5-$6 fuel.
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