September 2023 Feature

BRP is launching a new FIT initiative for snowmobiles to answer a market demand of personalized ergonomics that’s expected to continue to grow. 

One of the most important things many customers and dealers have been asking for is making their snowmobiles better fit their size and style of riding in a truly personalized way. Doing so maximizes the riding experience bringing more comfort, more control and helps riders stay refreshed and energized for many miles or many consecutive days on snow.

Ski-Doo is putting an emphasis on it this year by adding several new products and highlighting existing ones to encourage riders to take the time to FIT their sleds properly. The areas being focused on are: 

  • Handlebars – Height (riser), grip diameter, width

  • Handlebar controls – fitting the hands

  • Footrests – foot position, fitted or not

  • Knee pads

  • Seats – Hip Knee relationship, height, width, riding style, comfort, heat 

  • Suspension – Rider weight and riding style

  • Wind Protection

There’s QR code to follow that will help guide a rider’s choice of accessories that FIT them to their snowmobile by answering a few questions. Check it out here.

FIT the handlebars to your size and style

Ski-Doo offers a wide range of handlebar risers in both fixed and adjustable styles to meet any size or style of rider. The Forward Adjustable Riser (FAR) that’s standard on many premium trail models is also available as an accessory. Riders would want to check with their dealers on which risers will fit their model or if different control cables would be required to assure safe operation. 

While handlebar risers have been a popular adjustment item for many years to fit rider heights, there’s now a handle bar kit that features smaller diameter grips with preinstalled with warmers, making installation easy and quick. There’s also a handlebar with narrower width (and smaller diameter) to better fit smaller riders, offering them better leverage for more control and comfort. Riders choosing this would need to order warmers separately. 

To address the handlebar controls and hand size, there’s an adjustable brake lever and smaller, smoothly shaped, easier pull throttle lever (Easy Throttle). The adjustable brake lever is truly for everyone that wants to personalize that reach and feel of the brakes, not just smaller hands. The Throttle Lever is designed for specifically for smaller hands, offering less distance between the handlebar and lever with a shape that is smooth and comfortable for long days. The Easy Throttle lever reduces throttle stroke by 7%.


FITting the seat

Another key to proper fit is the seat – where a rider’s hips are in relation to their knees and feet can greatly help with comfort and control. Because there are so many different size people and riding styles, there are also many different seat shapes and heights along with heated options. Trail riders might be looking for more hip support, which the Trail Wide Seat offers in heated and standard models or maybe something like the Deep Snow Compact Seat with a lower profile for a person with shorter legs. Active riders might be looking for an even lower profile for easier side to side movement, or tall people need additional height or length for their longer legs. Whatever the need, there’s an option to fit. Below are some of the offerings, and some of the REV Gen5 offerings allow the addition of a LinQ 1+1 seat and backrest without replacing the operators seat. 


For those that need to fit two riders there’s choices here also, many use the renowned LinQ system for additional backrest and passenger handle options to further refine the experience. The newest LinQ 1 + 1 Rack system allows fast installation and removal of the smaller passenger seat and is more budget friendly.


FITting the feet

An area that addresses riding style as much as comfort is a rider’s feet – whether they want a locked in feel where they might push outward on a lateral support, or prefer to lift on a toe hold as they corner and carve – or both. There are options to be as locked in or free as a rider chooses and they can even opt for the Toe Hold Shim kit to customize how their boots fit under the toe holds. There’s also Driver Footrests that change the foot and ankle relationship for both standing and sitting while riding.  

Get the suspension FITted 

One of the most important items in determining a snowmobile’s performance and comfort are the suspension springs – especially the rear most ones. Riders should always set their suspension sag according to their weight and riding style and this is controlled primarily with the rear torsion springs. There are different options available depending on the model chosen to fine tune the ride. On full size models riders weighing less than 160 lbs. or more than 220 lbs. should consider if they need to make a change depending on riding style and use. 

Details of chassis setup including suspension sag/set up are also illustrated in each owner’s manual.   Things that need to be considered are rider weight with all gear on, riding ability and any accessory weight on the tunnel.  

For the smaller models like Neo there are optional springs that allow for young riders’ growth. 

Windshield FIT

Windshields are both one of the most popular and most debated accessory items ever as everyone has their own opinion on what’s best. Luckily Ski-Doo offers a wide variety of sizes and even adjustable models to find a fit for everyone. 


There are three new offerings for REV Gen5 models in addition to the Low and Medium windshields offered last season: Ultra Low, Ultra High and an Adjustable Medium to High offering a newer more robust design. There’s also a new Side Deflector kit for Medium and higher windshields for added wind protection.

Something more and more riders are doing is having different size windshields on hand, ready to install depending on the day’s conditions or ride plans. With comfort and warmth such a key factor to enjoying the day’s ride – they’re finding the mounting system makes it easy to switch back and forth in minutes, leaving them with no compromises on any day.

Watch for the line of FIT accessories to continue to grow in years to come as BRP responds to riders looking to further personalize their snowmobiles for an even better experience. 

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