Be Prepared With Chris Burandt


Much like a Boy Scout, Chris Burandt wants you to be prepared.

Burandt and Kyle Pulsifer presented at the Klim booth during Hay Days on the gear they bring on their trips into the mountain that keeps them ready for anything. Burandt emphasized that during an emergency situation, if you’re not prepared, you’re a liability.

“It doesn’t take a lot of stuff, it just takes the right stuff,” he said.

Burandt and Pulsifer unloaded their bags and took the crowd through each item, explaining why they’re needed. Burandt showed off the four saws he carries in his tunnel bag, as well as his first aid kit and more. He doesn’t consider himself a medical expert, but takes a cpr/first aid class each year to stay prepared.

Other items in Burandt’s first aid bag include a siphon that he uses in case a sled runs out of gas, his tool kit for fixing problems that arise on the sleds and more. In his handlebar bag, Burandt has a beanie, a helmet mounted light for going uphill at night, a spare battery, fire starter and battery pack. He also has a Reese’s for when he gets hungry on the mountain.

While these aren’t comprehensive lists of what Burandt and Pulsifer keep in their bags, it shows the thought put into being prepared while snowmobiling.

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