shiny side up snowmobiling on

Amsnow is now

Snowmobiling is kind of like being in the mafia; you never truly ever get out!

Nevertheless, this is my last issue as Editor of American Snowmobiler.

It is incredibly hard to leave the media that I have been a part of for 15 years—but hey, now another snowmobiler can have a chance at their dream job of riding sleds and getting paid for it!

But seriously, I want to take this last column to thank the thousands of fellow sled-heads who I have met over the years.

It is this community of snowmobilers that make this whole thing we love actually happen. From fighting for land usage, to brushing trails, to helping someone whose fuel pump stopped working 30 miles from the next stop. No one person is more important than the other, from the big names in the industry to the kids who are just throwing a leg over their first 1978 Arctic Cat Kitty Cat. It’s all of you that have really made my job worthwhile.

But before I get all sappy and mushy, I will refer back to my opening statement: because I never plan on quitting snowmobiling. Ever.

This year’s trip to Hay Days made 16 years in a row, and I still marvel at how this sport keeps evolving, growing and morphing. There is truly nothing else like it on the planet! We are blessed, but it doesn’t come without some sweat and hard work, which is one reason why it is so rewarding for many of us to ride each year. We know we put in the time.

I hope that I will see many of my sled-family and friends out on the trails and in the mountains and hills for years to come. I have been honored and extremely fortunate to make my childhood dream of working for snowmobile media my job for a long time, but now it’s time for me to snowmobile on!

Mark Boncher, Editor
(And soon to be just a normal snowmobile dude!)
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