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¦ Rinse and repeat
The next section of trail was one of the most exciting sections. The A112A has everything a snowmobiler could be looking for. I was tempted to turn back and run it again. POI #2 named “Bird’s Eye View” had a wooden deck where you can enjoy the lookout. It wasn’t long until we arrived at Mattawa’s Mica Mines, which was our next POI. Bring a flashlight so that you can venture into the mines to explore many of the dark cut-outs of granite and mica. These mines were once one of the largest producers of mica in North America back in the 1940s.

With only one stop left on our tour, we stepped it up across the A112A trail. The group was all smiles as we pulled into the Redbridge Lookout for a few more pictures and what ended up being a fantastic day with great people. Although it is only 234km, the trails have so much to offer any level of snowmobile enthusiast.

¦ Hard goodbye
I would like to thank Jeff McGirr of Yamaha Motor Canada for not only putting together such an incredible loop but for also being my personal tour guide for the day. To my new friends Kim, Mike and Matt, it was a pleasure enjoying the trails with you and I hope that we can do it again soon. If you are looking for an area that has it all, this is where you want to be! A vast variety of trails, lodging, tasty food and some Canadian hospitality all make the Explorers Snow Tour one to add to the bucket list.
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