test tracks 2018 arctic cat zr 8000 sno pro 137


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¦ Yet to be proven
The oil consumption reduction claims from Arctic Cat are yet to be proven in our eyes. Now, that may be partly because a good portion of our test experience occurred while the sled was still in “break-in” mode. We would call the oil consumption marginally better than the previous 800 engine at this point, but still heavier than competing 800cc engines.

BUT, we are never “gentle” on engines, and rarely see maximum oil efficiencies in any sled we ride. There’s also the fact that this is a brand spanking new engine that has yet to be really proven in the hands of consumers. Arctic Cat would not be the first OEM to have a little heavier oil consumption than their “up to” claims in year one of engine production. Do we believe oil consumption will get better? Yes. Do we believe we will ever personally see a 30% improvement? Not really, but that’s not on Cat.

What is proven is that accessing the oil fill is MUCH easier with the new body plastics. What was almost a two-person job to add oil (with those flexi-bag-oil dispensers for Cat oil) is now easily accomplished by one, thanks to a side panel that can be completely removed with a quarter turn of two plastic tabs.

Arctic Cat’s 800 sleds of the past were always easily located when warming up thanks to their ability to almost instantly fumigate any parking lot they were stationed in. That mushroom cloud visual is no longer nearly as pronounced. That alone has got to save at least a little on the oil consumption.

And so the question now becomes the one we always try to answer for our readers, “Would we buy it?” We won’t lie to you, there are some among our staff who would not, but the majority of us answered affirmatively.

Those in the “ayes,” would have many thoughts if we opened up the trailer this winter and saw the ZR 8000 Sno Pro 137 waiting for us. Disappointment would not be one of them.
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