longterm review fxr racing tactic boa boots

Believe what you want, but Canadians know how to make things that work in the cold. FXR is based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and last season I wore what I called my “snocross-for-Eskimos” boots every week. The FXR Tactic BOA Boots were very warm and comfortable with a micro fur lining.

Most everyone I ride with knows I’m a fan of the BOA system. HMK began the trend in snowmobiling boots, and now Klim, FXR and others have boots I like with this system. I particularly like that the BOA reels on the Tactic boots spin open after you unlock them. You can just walk right out of these boots at the end of the day; no more busted knuckles trying to untie frozen laces!

These boots are minimal compared to others on the market. They easily flex forward for walking and are comfortable on any ride. Ankle and heel support is above average for aggressive and off-trail maneuvers. They are definitely warm too, but the soles are smaller than many boots. Great for walking and moving, but not so great for kicking ice off sleds or standing on glare ice all day. Overall, these are some of the best boots I’ve tried, and I am extremely particular about boots! Cost is $359.99.

More info: www.fxrracing.com
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